Providing Direction in the Administration of Ethical Standards within the Financial Services Industry

The Financial Services Authority was established to regulate providers of financial services except for financial services covered by the Banking Act and Insurance Act. It is the ultimate regulatory body for anti-money laundering for Honduras.

Message from the President

By tradition, the Central Bank of Honduras has been a leader and pioneer institution within the governmental sector in many aspects among its field of competition; leadership that puts the entity in a position of high relevance and prestige so much at national level as international, which has allowed and facilitated with great measure to accomplish adequately the basic objectives that the law mandates.
Therefore, and in consonance with the process of continuous improvement and actualization, which has distinguished this entity in its course towards modernization, it pleases me to introduce to institutions whose functions are related to our objectives, our new Web page, that offers a new structure of information related to monetary, credit and exchange policies that are under the responsibility of this institution; also, the publication of a summary of laws, rules that concern the financial system, as well as the National Payment System, Bloomberg Indicators, bills and coins, among others of equal importance.

The audience will also appreciate a new design of this site, created to respond with a friendlier environment for the needs of each user.

US Dollar

  • HNL per USD:23.3652


  • USD per EUR:1.1723

Annual Inflation Rate

  • July 20173.64%
  • July 20162.40%

Accumulative Inflation Rate

  • July 20172.90%

Monetary Policy

  • MP:5.50%

Foreign-exchange Reserves

  • (USD millions)
  • August 17, 2017
  • Gross reserves4,763.1
  • Net reserves4,463.9

Honduras 2018